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4/29/17, 5:07 PM

Why should I meditate? (artikel)

"Why Should I Meditate? BY MATTHIEU RICARD| APRIL 29, 2017 "Matthieu Ricard answers everyone’s first question. Take an honest look at yourself. Where are you in your life? What have your priorities been up till now and what do you intend to do with the time you have left? We are a mixture of light and shadow, of good qualities and defects. Are we really the best we can be? Must we remain as we are now? If not, what can we do to improve ourselves? These are questions worth asking, particularly if we have come to the conclusion that change is both desirable and possible. Every one of us has a mind and every one of us can work on it. In our modern world, we are consumed from morning till night with endless activity. We do not have much time or energy left over to consider the basic causes of our happiness or suffering. We imagine, more or less consciously, that if we undertake more activities we will have more intense experiences and therefore our sense of dissatisfaction will fade away. But the truth is that many of us continue to feel let down and frustrated by our contemporary lifestyle. The aim of meditation is to transform the mind. It does not have to be associated with any particular religion. Every one of us has a mind and every one of us can work on it." Läs hela artikeln här:

 "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible"   H.H Dalai Lama

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