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6/23/17, 9:19 AM

Bardo of reality (artikel)

"Dying and the after-death experience was not a taboo or off-topic for my teacher Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. On the contrary, he would often speak for hours on how to use that transition between this life and the next as an opportunity for total freedom, how to use the bardo of dharmata for realization and how to make ready for that right now. Reality here doesn’t mean the superficial reality we experience from day to day, but ultimate reality, dharmata, and it has other types of phenomena taking place. At the onset, these phenomena have no structure and no recognizable features whatsoever, but are a tremendous display, the ultimate acid trip. It’s unlike wide open space on a cloudless day: something happens within that space, called sounds, colors and lights. The sounds are, Tulku Urgyen said, like 100.000 simultaneous thunder cracks, from all directions, above, below, everywhere. The colors are all colors of the rainbow, but much more intense than we normally see in this life. The rays of light are like sharp needles or swords, piercing through everything. The bardo of reality is transparent, completely pure and infinite. This bardo of reality is the time for mastering the crucial point: to be unafraid and instead recognize the nature of mind, which is manifest as self-radiance of knowing. This radiance has three forms, sounds, colors and lights, and as they manifest don’t be afraid of these peaceful and wrathful displays, they are your own display. For most people such a groundless, centerless and boundless display is unfamiliar and therefore very scary; there are no handles on anything, nothing to relate to as being here and there. Recognize that it is just the play of the bardo, Tulku Urgyen said, don’t give into fear, dread or panic, which means fearing the colors, dreading the sounds and panicking before the intensity of the light rays. So give up fear, it’s just the play of dharmata." Läs hela artikeln här:

 "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible"   H.H Dalai Lama

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